Customer Service "Your talk managed to highlight the importance of my statewide teams continued focus on our customers. Based on my peoples comments, I believe that you are indeed Americas most entertaining high content speaker!" James P. McDermott,
Executive Director The shortest distance between a loyal customer and you is exceptional service. Satisfied customers shop anywhere. Loyal customers return to you over and over again, and recommend you to their friends. Exceptional customer service is NOT an extra cost of doing business. It is an investment in our own future success. The customer who buys from us because we have the lowest price will leave us the moment a competitor is cheaper. The customer IS the job. And remember, co-workers are internal customers. Calling on real life examples
based on 45 years of business experience, Gary demonstrates how good service
wins business and how bad service costs money. Sales and service are not
separate. Every sale must come with the service built in. "It was obvious that you took the extra time to research our organization. I appreciate you including many specific references to our strategies and our people throughout your presentation." "We received many compliments about your presentation. Most commented on your obvious enthusiasm, practical tips on how we can improve customer service, and just the right amount of humor to keep things interesting." Richard R. Ulery,
Regional Vice President
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